What I do

registered dental hygienist (RDH) is a licensed dental professional who specializes in preventive oral health, typically focusing on techniques in oral hygiene

The dental hygiene process of care has five steps:
  • Assessing the patient: This includes, but is not limited to, a full review of the patient's medical history, necessary x-rays to be taken, a clinical exam, and a periodontal assessment by probing and exploring areas of the patients mouth. During this stage a thorough documentation must be implemented.
  • Dental hygiene diagnosis: Assessing of data pertaining to a client's condition/state in terms that will help identify problems so as to lead to a professional treatment plan/ therapies. The final diagnosis of disease and/or treatments solely lies with jurisdiction and/or approval granted by the doctor.
  • Planning: creating a sequential treatment plan for the patient. The treatment plan will vary based on the patient's immediate needs.
  • Implementation: Carrying out the plan in a timely and effective manner.
  • Evaluation: Determining the effectiveness of the treatment plan that was administered. If ineffective a complete evaluation on how to approach the patient's needs differently
Over a period of months or years, a dental hygienist may evaluate the client's conditions several times, altering the diagnosis and plan as the client's condition changes.


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Hygiene Strong

Hygiene Strong


This blog is about my life as a dental hygiene student and future RDH. The title says it all because I won't just be posting about dental hygiene but all sorts of info from what's going on with my daily life as a hygiene student to daily happenings and on tips on how to survive hygiene school if any of you are interested in doing it someday. Also, I will be blogging about any topics related to dentistry and how to improve your oral hygiene. Join me on this journey and together we will be spreading bright and sparkly teeth all around. Thanks for dropping by!

Graduation Countdown

Daisypath Graduation tickers